August 24, 2004

Personally Speaking

Beyond the flower
The bed of the sea
The beating heart
That beats within me

I wish I could sleep
All I ever think of is you
I wish I could just dream
Of your image, of your love that would shine through

I cannot sleep the night
When you are not here
I cannot think in the daylight
I cannot eat, nor drink, not even smile a happy face

I wish you were here
Even though you broke my heart
Three years ago

I wish I could see you here
Hold you, or die in your arms
But it seems this thought will never let go

You're not the night to me anymore
You're not the sunshine that would shine on my face
You're more like a drug that I need to get off
You're the blistering memory that grinds in my head and makes it ache

Every kiss we ever had
Was a fake
Those two Valentine's we had
All you had wanted was your own way

Now I am here
All alone
Because of you

I am wondering
Pondering, that should I see you, should I shoot you or stab you, or strangle you 'til you choke out last breath in you?

Its too bad I can't post your pic
It would have been wonderful to show the world how beautiful THORNS can be
But I will resist
The time will come when I will find another love for me

Passion into dust
Fire into ash
This memory will never go
And no one will ever understand


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